Dive King Equalisation Training ToolDive King Equalisation Training Tool

Dive King Equalisation Training Tool

Original price was: $28.Current price is: $22.

Dive King Equalisation Tool

The Dive King equalisation tool is a must-have tool for all freedivers and scuba divers who want to solve their equalisation problems or improve and train their equalisation techniques.

This equalisation tool is made of a high-grade and corrosion-resistant aluminium and will last you a lifetime! The EQ Tool is a little bit more robust than the other tools out there, and this makes the tool easy to hold and makes for a perfect fit with the most common balloon sizes out there. All the well-know frenzel and mouthfill exercises can be done with this equalisation tool.

Dive King Silicone Weight BeltDive King Silicone Weight Belt

Dive King Silicone Weight Belt


Dive King Silicone Weight Belt

The Dive King Silicone freediving weight belt has an overall length of 130cm and is made from a high-grade silicone with a coated marine-grade stainless steel 316 buckle and is available in 5 beautiful colours.