2mm Lead Balls for Freediving Neck Weights


2mm Lead Balls

We use these 2mm lead balls for the production of our freediving neck weights. The traditional freediving neck weights are made out of a bicycle tire inner tube, with a quick release buckle and covered in electrical tape. The advantage of these traditional neck weights is that they’re not expensive, while we can use them in both the pool and in the depth disciplines.


2mm Lead Balls for Freediving Neck Weights

We use these 2mm lead balls for the production of our freediving neck weights. Traditional freediving neck weights are made out of a bicycle tire inner tube, have a quick release buckle and are covered in electrical tape.

The advantage of these traditional neck weights is that they’re not expensive, and you can use them in both the pool and in the depth disciplines.

Please note; We never experienced any problems with our shipments, but shipping lead balls – even small 2mm lead balls, can cause problems with customs. If a shipment makes it to the destination country, but customs seize it, or the shipment gets ‘lost’, no refund will be given. Shipping the lead balls is at the risk of the receiver/purchaser. When in doubt, please contact us. We are more than happy to advise you and share with you our experience of your destination country.

Freedive Academy Update: Please note that internationally we can only ship the leads balls in packages of 1kg, 2kg, 3kg, etc. We can even ship barrels of 25kg, but it’s per increment of 1kg. If you like to order more than 3kg, please contact us directly to offer you custom shipping.

If you visit us in Panglao or want us to ship within the Philippines, we can measure the lead balls to your specification, such as, for example, 2350gr. If this is the case, please contact us directly with your request.

Additional information

Package Size

1kg, 2kg, 3kg


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